Feb 2, 2010

Holy Cannoli!

Here we are! Tyler is 3 months old, and I've posted I think twice since that blessed day. What a slacker!

In my defense..

I have NEVER been more busy than I am now! At one point in my life, I was going to college full time, and working two waitressing jobs at different restaurants....and that doesn't compare. I'm back to work, and have been so since the beginning of Jan. I was THRILLED to go back, and when I say that, it makes me feel like a TERRIBLE mom..but...I was THRILLED to go back! I'm a worker bee. I'm there working...being bee like. I'm used to that, I thrive in that area. In the beginning I wasn't used to being someone's everything. And that's what I am to my little man. I'm his breakfast lunch, dinner, snack, after snack snack, and dessert! I'm his cuddler. I'm his diaper changer. I'm his giggle maker. I'm his entertainment. I'm his tear dryer. I'm his bath maker. I'm his EVERYTHING. For me, it was very difficult to get used to this feeling and I didn't know how to get there comfortably. And I was SCARED. I was not looking forward to Jake going back to work. I was nervous about what would happen if it was just me and him. And it turned out that all the things I was afraid of happening, ended up happening at almost the same time. So I guess that helped me get over it.

I went out to breakfast with my friend Becky almost a month after he was born. My fears were that he would throw a tantrum in the Purple Place because I wasn't feeding him fast enough. Then that I would have to nurse in public. Then that he would throw up on me because that was the event du jour. Thats what he was doing ALL THE TIME.

****(Side Bar)****
Dear Burp Rag Makers,

Bigger, thicker, more absorbant, and less likely to slide off my shoulder during burp time because thats usually what happens with me and lets face it, no one likes the spit up trail that starts at the shoulder and goes to the butt. Correction, the spit up wearer doesn't like that trail, everyone else gets a chuckle.

Thank you

****(Game on)****

Anyway...Back to breakfast. That's exactly what happened. Although he didn't scream, he did fuss and tell me he was hungry. So I nursed him in public, something I just don't want to do. Then he proceeded to throw up on me. Yeah...saw that coming.

My point is that the things I was nervous about happening ended up happening and early on. So I was able to get more comfortable with Tyler at home. I was still nervous about going out in public, but that's a whole different blog.

Well here I am, back at work. And I'm very happy to be back. I missed my friends and I missed the feeling of working at work. I was DEFINITELY working at home, just now it's different. And now I feel like my life has such purpose. I have this beautiful husband..and we have our amazing son. It feels so much like we're on such a great track! And now I want to work on my career. I really have big plans for work and I'm hoping that I'm able to push that arena. I'm still working on doing Product Reviews! I can finally start doing that again, now that we're in a scheduled routine. Tyler's in daycare part time during the day. And then we hang out together at night, baking things, and trying new food recipes. I feel like my life has taken this fulfilling turn. I can't wait to see what pops up next.

Oh yeah...

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