Oct 26, 2009

Water Buffalo!

My last post on the 22nd details an outing and some photos taken at a local apple orchard. That was the 22nd. On the 21st, I wrote a post about having my family arrive and all the emotion and excitement that I felt about them all being here.

Fast forward to today..10/26 (technically 10/27 because it's midnight as I type this). And I'm still very pregnant. I'm oh so pregnant, uncomfortable, exhausted, cranky, tired, punchy...I really REALLY could go on forever, but I won't! Bottom line, I'm still pregnant and really trying to find that patience I was talking about on 10/21....about being patient and letting God run the show. I got up this morning at 4 am...took my dad to the airport and said goodbye...still a pregnant lady. I've been waiting for this moment for so long..having my dad be there to hold my new born baby boy...and while our visit was awesome and it was just great to have him around...I'm SO sad that he's missing the birth. It's not his fault, nor am I blaming him. But I really was just hoping he'd get to experience that.

His visit was great for me. I missed him so much and remembered all of the reasons why I love having him around. We've always been close and have much of the same sense of humor. Not to mention same big ears and big smile (poor Tyler, I hope he gets Jake's ears). I cried when we dropped him off, not only because I'm an exhausted hormonal mess, or because I'm terrible at goodbye's, but because I looked back at my life over the last 10 years...and I haven't been the best daughter I could be...and I regret not keeping in touch more and insisting on really being more of a family. Even from opposite side of the country. This visit really helped rekindle our family bond, and it helped to introduce him to Jake's family. I won't let years go by before we see each other again...I can't.

So here I am....on the 27th of October, past my due date...and largish. I was sitting at the kitchen table with Jake and his dad...and I announced to the room in general that I felt like a water buffalo...and I DO! I feel like a giant water buffalo. I'm SO ready. So everyone reading this...give me your ju ju...give me labor ju ju! I am really...really ready to welcome Tyler into our lives. Trust me on this.

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